We’re Here To Support You.
If you are a resident of Memphis who has fallen on hard times, we want you to know two things:
We Love Our City
We’re Here to Support You
How We Can Help
Food and Groceries
FeedMemphis | FeedMemphis is a combination of programs and events addressing food insecurity in the city of Memphis. From mobile food drives to in-school pantries and weekend food bag programs, the FeedMemphis initiative of the Memphis Dream Center seeks to help those experiencing food insecurity by meeting tangible needs.
“The Memphis Dream Center has been a huge help the past year with providing food bags for our students and families in need. The Collierville Schools Family Resource Center has been able to serve over 115 families per week since October 2021 for this school year. We appreciate all that you do!”
Collierville Schools, FeedMemphis Partner
Adult Education
Family Enrichment Center | Located at our Austin Peay location, the Family Enrichment Center provides Adult Education classes through a partnership with HopeWorks and Greater Memphis Financial Empowerment. Course offerings include high school equivalency classes, FastTrack career readiness courses, and English as a Second Language + Civics (ESL+), which provides English language learners the opportunity to prepare for citizenship tests. Career coaching is also offered at our Family Enrichment Center.
“I got another start at living again. My high school diploma, college and God only knows what is next! My life was saved.”
Help For Families In Crisis
Family Advocacy Center | Through the Family Advocacy Center located at our North Highland Street location, we want to walk with and be a safe haven for families navigating crises and those who walk with and support them. This program provides tangible needs such as: bedding, clothing, diapers, school uniforms and groceries, as well as spiritual and emotional support. Family Advocacy offers parent/guardian support groups and parenting classes. We are raising funds and collecting new, unused items to resource the families referred to us.
We Also Partner With other local Organizations
We believe in the value of working together and believe in the work these organizations are doing to serve the community. Please reference this list of recommended resources designed to serve you and your loved ones.
We’re Here to Stay
It’s natural to question if a place like ours is too good to be true. While we certainly don’t have all the answers, we believe that you deserve to feel seen, valued, and loved.
We have created programs and resources for families just like yours. From after-school programming for kids to meals and community events, we have been serving this community for over a decade and we are here to stay.